1984 HONDA VF1000F INTERCEPTOR As a youth, we gazed at the patriotic liveries of the Interceptor offerings. Their myriad of displacements beckoning both novice and expert alike. It was a short window for the VF in their original form. They were from a time when Honda took chances. When red, white, and blue dominated in both tech and style. SOMEWHERE BETWEEN THEN AND NOW LIES THE DREAM THAT IS ICON. It was the dawn of the sportbike, and there would never be another. For forty years, we've chased the feeling that 1984 gave us—forty years of longing for the same adolescent desire. And in New Found Hope, we found it. Based on a 1984 VF1000F Interceptor, she is an homage to what was, with concerted adoption of what is, to showcase what could be.